General Information

Courtesy Notices

A courtesy notice is mailed to you at the address listed on the citation. The notice contains general information about the requirements and options available for resolving the ticket. General information and requirements may include:

  • Amount of bail, including reductions, based on the violation and your prior driving history. By law, the maximum reduction based on a customers driving record is 20%
  • Proof of correction requirements for mechanical violations
  • Mandatory court appearance requirements
  • Diversion eligibility requirements

It is your responsibility to resolve the citation on or before the due date. If you do not receive a courtesy notice, contact the court. Failure to receive a courtesy notice is not a legal excuse for failing to take the appropriate action to resolve the citation.

Violations Bureau

Most citations may be resolved through the Court’s Violations Bureau five business days after receiving the citation. Court staff may accept your plea, and determine if your fine may be reduced based on the Judge’s stipulations regarding your driving record, and the type of violation incurred. If the violation is one that requires you to appear before the judge, the date and time of your appearance is listed on your citation. The Court only mails violation correspondence to the DMV address of record. The Bureau operates between the hours of 8 am – 5 pm, Monday through Friday.   For more detailed information about the Violations Bureau click here.

Diversion Eligibility

The City of Wilsonville is committed to increasing public safety on its streets by giving qualified defendants the opportunity to participate in a driver safety diversion program.  Programs are designed to heighten driver awareness and establish safer habits that lead to fewer violations and collisions.

  • You must get approval by the court to complete a diversion course.  The courses offered are specifically chosen by the court; any programs outside of those assigned by the court will not be sufficient for completion.
  • Please contact the court regarding eligibility requirements at 503-570-1587.

License Reinstatement

Once payment in full has been received, the court will send a clearance to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). The clearance is sent the same day as payment is received. The DMV will process the reinstatement once the clearance and any reinstatement fees have been received. To speed up the reinstatement process, customers can elect to take a copy of the clearance to the Department of Motor Vehicles personally.

Persons With Disabilities

The Wilsonville Municipal Court is located on the second floor of City Hall. The elevator is located on the right-hand side of the foyer. Wheelchair accessible restrooms are located on both the first and second floor, down the hall past the elevator. 

Persons with disabilities who require a special accommodation to access court programs, services, or activities may request the needed accommodation. Portable Assistive Listening Systems (ALS), sign language interpreter, realtime transcription, or other services are also available. Please contact the Court Office to make the necessary arrangements.

Translation Services

Language translation services are available for arraignments and trials. To arrange for any other type of interpreter, please contact the Court Office as soon as possible.