Middle Housing in Wilsonville RFP

Bid/RFP Status: 
Closed - no longer accepting bids and proposals
Bid/RFP Due Date: 
Friday, July 31, 2020 - 2:00pm

Firms that submitted proposals for consideration within the required timeframe:

  • Angelo Planning Group
  • MIG
  • OTAK
  • The Urban Collaborative

The selected lead firm is Angelo Planning Group.  All submitting firms were informed of the selection via email and telephone .


The proposed project helps the City of Wilsonville meet the mandates of House Bill 2001 passed by the Oregon Legislature in 2019 to (1) allow duplexes on all lots that allow a single-family unit and (2) other middle housing in areas zoned for residential that allow for single-family units. However, the project aims to go beyond meeting the minimum requirements of state law, seeking to provide a variety of units of quality design at affordable price points and with broad community support. A primary project focus will be the Frog Pond new urban area as the City sees the potential largest impact in this area; however, the project will address middle housing for all residential land within the City. The project will audit current policy and standards and provide hearings-ready documents for compliance including comprehensive plan and development code updates, updated area master plans, and siting and design standards.

Outreach will be an integral part of the project, both on specific details of the project as well as part of the broader ongoing conversation in the community about housing and equity. The project outreach includes specific outreach the consultant team will lead or assist the City. In addition, the consultant will coordinate with and integrate feedback from a community-partner-led outreach effort with Latinx and other underrepresented community members. The community-based outreach is funded separately through a Metro grant, and will be led by a community partner, but will rely upon products produced by the Proposer, and the Proposer will help ensure the feedback from the outreach has a real and noticeable impact on the final project outcome, particularly the siting and design standards.

Please refer to the supporting documents, below, to find the Responses to Submitted Questions regarding the Middle Housing in Wilsonville Request for Proposals.